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  • Författare
  • #27777

      Hittade denna tråd på 22b board

      Tycker dom ser ganska smidiga ut.
      Tänkte kontakta honom och se vad frakt till Sverige landar på
      är det möjligtvis några fler som skulle vara sugna på dessa?

      Adam K

        Absolut, keep me posted!


          Absolut! Ser intresant ut, kanske går att koppla ihop med de kanaler jag redan har!


            Jag är också intresserad.


              Riktigt fin lösning, jag är helt klart intresserad


                Jag är intresserad!


                  Ja kan också vara intresserad

                  / David J – Superior Media

                  Nikke McRae

                    Ser bra ut! Är nog också intresserad.

                    Enligt denna sidan ( är priset 1360 per par (2790 för kolfiber). Kanske går det att få ner priset om vi är många som köper?


                      Sån här hade man ju velat ha också så man kan koppla en slang mellan de båda delarna.

                      Eller så gör man nått eget. Borde inte vara så svårt.


                        Helt klart intresserad!


                          Har precis skickat iväg en förfrågan på gruppköps priser och frakt.
                          Förhoppningsvis kan vi få ner priset en del.


                            Kan vara av intresse här med.

                            Dock så funderar jag om det kan bli nån märkbar tempskillnad på skivorna. Har läst att om man ska få det att fungera ordentligt, och utan risk för att skivorna ska bli skev, så måste dom kylas från centrum och utåt.



                              Jag är oxå lite intresserad av såna där ifall det ska beställas! 🙂


                                Thank you all for your interest.

                                Although I have worked at a SAAB dealership since 2001, I know no Swedish. I met some of your neighbors at the US rallycrosses the past couple years and I have found them to be a bit nutty – in a good way.

                                I have ducts designed for GC – where there is nothing in the way of the duct.
                                GD – where there’s a bracket for that U-shaped stiffener and some tow hooks in the way.
                                And GR – the new style chassis.

                                The GC and GD both take a 3″ inlet hose.
                                The GR can come with a round 4″ intake that will not work with a stock air cleaner or washer bottle,
                                or an oval 3″ intake that goes under those items.

                                All the ducts have an outlet a bit smaller than 3″ directed at the front part of the brake rotor.

                                I ”grow” these ducts on a 3D printer so they are made like a very compressed spring.
                                The bond between levels is very good but it is not a solid piece of serious material, just ABS plastic.
                                I do not recommend putting a secondary hose on the end of the duct.
                                It may work fine if you get the length perfectly made so there is no extreme stress on the duct,
                                but all my customers who have reported back say that the duct works fine for them as long as the
                                brake backing plate has a hole in it to let the rotor draw the fresh air into it.

                                In North America, we have a wonderfully cheap aluminized hose for clothes dryers that is rigid,
                                flows much better than the expensive silicone ducting hose we all use and is much lighter too.
                                That hose makes a very nice input to the duct.
                                I’d be interested to see if you have something similar available.

                                If you decide to order some of my ducts as a group, I will package them up together and send them to one person who will get an additional $25 off the price of his ducts.
                                He can distribute them from there hopefully.
                                The GC and GD ducts on this scheme will cost $150.
                                The GR ducts will be $180.
                                They all come with a drill, tap, some button-head screws and a wrench to fit them and cool stickers.

                                Let me know if this is something that you want to do and I can wrap them up and ship them as economically as I can.
                                I shipped 3 sets to Austria and it cost $55 – one set would have cost $45 so it helps to get a group together.

                                Thanks again, rz


                                  Här finns stort intresse också

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