Dom verkar ha ändrat ”reglerna” lite på senare tid.
-3.3 There will be no delivery until cleared funds are received.
We take internet fraud extremely seriously, your protection is of paramount importance to us. Orders that are over £100.00 in value will only be delivered to the billing address, this is a security measure used in conjunction with our fraud checks to give our customers added fraud protection. For orders over £100.00 we may ask you to provide a utility bill proving your address details, we realise this may be inconvenient, however it is a check recommended by our banking partners to prevent credit card fraud. This check is in place for your protection.
Jag fick göra samma procedur från en annan firma i England.
Det enda jag behövde göra va att faxa in en faktura där mitt namn och adress stog (jag valde en vanlig Telia faktura)
Efter någon dag fick jag ett mejl att paketet blivit skickat.