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28 januari, 2013 kl. 03:07 #234847
DeltagareSnabb fråga till Patrick P931:
Min nyinköpta Impreza WRX -01 fick sitt avgassystem bytt av förre ägaren till ett Graham Goode m. racekat, vilket fick till följd att motorlampan lyser konstant. I övrigt är motorn original. Kan man ”relativt enkelt” släcka denna lampa med Romraider..?
28 januari, 2013 kl. 23:37 #234415Patrick P931
DeltagareJa. Har man även bättre flödande downpipe än orginal bör man även mappa om…
31 januari, 2013 kl. 07:51 #234416Patrick P931
DeltagareJag har fått ett flertal pm av personer som har EcuTek och som vill ladda ned och analysera eller ändra i sina romar.
Det går att göra med ett betalprogram men då rör det sig inte längre om Open Source eller ”gratis”. Att man försöker argumentera om copyrightsskydd osv lönar sig inte då jag är av den åsikten att ”min bil, min ecu”.
Då intresset verkar stort för att kunna bistå med denna tjänst (läsa/skriva EcuTek) överväger jag att uppgradera mitt nuvarande program till att kunna göra detta. Vi får se vem som blir min försökskanin. 😉
31 januari, 2013 kl. 09:11 #234608Fladric
DeltagareFick ni nån klarhet i om det funkar med en MY99?
Skulle vara intressant att veta 🙂31 januari, 2013 kl. 11:34 #234417Patrick P931
DeltagareJag gissar på att det inte fungerar.
Om man kollar på listan över sparade stock rom:
så ser man att den börjar från MY01. Det finns säkert en bra förklaring skriven men just nu får någon annan leta efter den. 😉
31 januari, 2013 kl. 12:11 #234632TypeR
DeltagareShame you don’t do simtek/Alcatek matey or I’d have you playing with mine loads lol
31 januari, 2013 kl. 13:08 #234418Patrick P931
DeltagareDo you mean re-map? How difficult can it be? 😉
31 januari, 2013 kl. 18:53 #234633TypeR
DeltagareMy thoughts exactly lol but for some reason when I had it mapped last here in Sweden they couldnt get the emission lvls right, thinking that once its been upgraded to the new software it should be easier, think I need to come have a chat mateyd—0.o—b
Need to grab a 3port boost solenoid and fit that soon as well so will need work then once I refit the simtek
31 januari, 2013 kl. 21:32 #234419Patrick P931
DeltagareDo you have a cat? Does Simtek control avcs? Emissions are controlled by Subaru by lots of overlap and lots of ignition advance where they (Bilprovningen) check the emissions (i.e. low loads approx 2500 rpm).
3 port is a great upgrade. I run a Grimmspeed ebcs and its a huge improvement over the stock valve. It’s actually sometimes too fast in its reaction. 😉
Regarding remaps I don’t think that it’s really that difficult for anyone to create a reasonably safe, reasonably powerful rom. However, when someone is looking for that final 10 hp you also need experience (and balls). Time does really fly though and I’ve been re-mapping (mostly my own car) now for almost a year and half so I guess I am becoming more experienced. 😉
I am far from a professional mapper, I recon my advantage is that I am an engineer and that should hopefully mean that I sort of know what I am doing. 😉
You are more than welcome to come up here and I can take a look. As I said, how hard can it be? 😉
31 januari, 2013 kl. 22:05 #234258Kvarnis
DeltagareEmissions is esay, with pnp ecu.
What you do is load a SBP map ,that takes care of the lambda @2.5k rpmProblem is with a map base system is that you hit loads zones, wich usally is set up for spool.
What fails lambda or 2.5k CO2 ?
1 februari, 2013 kl. 08:06 #234634TypeR
DeltagareI run a 100cell sports cat, it’s the idle emissions that are to high lamda is fine, I know that the exhaust system/cat is perfectly ok (all brand new) and the engine as when I fit my spare apexi system mapped at 320bhp the readings are spot on and it flys through besiktningen, had the simtek mapped last year to 342ish bhp but he couldn’t get the idle emissions down, I know the simtek is a complex system to map if you’ve not used before but was disappointed with the result as I still paid for the map.
I have mapping software for the simtek and cable so if you want to have a play I’ll be refitting it soon as I’ve had it updated, just passed besiktningen with the apexi so there’s a year till next one d—0.o—b
Here’s a set of readings from last time I did it at work to give you idea
Co 0.11
Co2. 15.3
Hc. 0091
O2. 0.21
Lambda. 1.0022500rpm
Co. 0.23
Co2. 15.2
Hc. 0067
O2. 0.23
Lamda. 1.001As you can see way out
1 februari, 2013 kl. 09:09 #234420Patrick P931
DeltagareWhat are your allowed emission limits? I.e. by how much did you fail?
1 februari, 2013 kl. 09:25 #234635TypeR
Deltagaresame car with the apexi ecu fitted instead
co 0.0
hc 069
lamda 1.03allowed emissions as its a classic are
co 0.5
2500 0.3
hc 100
lamda 0.90-1.10cant remember co2
1 februari, 2013 kl. 09:28 #234421Patrick P931
DeltagareI dl the Simtek software, one of the base map samples and the manual from:
http://www.simtek.co.uk/html/downloads.htmlLooks fairly straight forward, just not over-user-friendly. 😉
1 februari, 2013 kl. 09:33 #234422Patrick P931
DeltagareOk, we are moving away from Open Source big time here so I sent you a pm instead. Send me some info about your car too, year, model, mods etc.
Jag önskar mig att denna tråd handlar mer om Open Source och vad man själv kan göra. 😉
Patrick -
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