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  • #21592

      PEAN Sweden breddar sitt sortiment av högprestanda bromsdelar för gata och motorsport. Senaste tillskottet är sportbromsskivor från Disc Brakes Australia (DBA) och sport-/racebelägg från Carbotech (USA).

      DBA-skivorna finns i olika utföranden beroende på användningsområde. De flesta av de ventilerade skivorna har en ny patenterad gjutning som förbättrar kylningen och ger ökad dimensionell stabilitet.
      Just till Impreza-modellen 99-01 har DBA gjort förändringar på designen av skivan för att den bättre ska motstå högre påfrestningar (bl.a. ventileringskanaler mellan nav och skiva). På vissa varianter (4000/5000) har DBA gått upp till tjocklek 25,4mm (original 24mm).

      Sportskiva DBA Gold till Impreza (294x24mm) kostar ca 3490:- (två skivor).

      Skivor finns till de flesta modeller.

      Dessutom kommer vi att börja lagerföra de vanligast Subaru-beläggen från Carbotech i USA. Carbotech’s belägg för gata/sport heter Bobcat och belägget som är avsett för bankörning etc heter Panther Plus. Dessa belägg har fått mkt positiva kommentarer bland medlemmar i t.ex. North American Subaru Impreza Owners Club. Från deras forum:

      I have the Carbotech Panther’s on an Alfa GTV6 used 70% for the track, 30% for the street. The Panther’s have decent initial grab when cool, and require very little heat to get to work well (2-3 hard stops from 30 or 40 mph). Once warm, these pads are awesome – great grab, good pedal modulation, never fade. I’m going to put them on my 02 WRX Wagon for everyday use on next brake change. Best pads I’ve tried (you said you didn’t care, but they make a ton of dust, and squeal on and off).

      Hope this helps.

      I recently put carbotech Panther Plus’s on my 04 WRX.

      I love them! They stop really well. They dust ALOT though and make noise, but I expected that.

      You do have to warm them up, but they will still stop you when cold, just takes a little bit more pressure, not like total race pads where they don’t stop much when cold.

      I haven’t tried them in freezing temps yet though since I live in california and it is barely ever below freezing in tahoe when i go snowboarding.
      Similar here, I’ve used the Panther+ pads for track use and would not hesitate to use them as a everyday street pad – with the caveat that I have no experience with them in temperatures below 40 or so. I never found them to be any dustier than any other ‘performance’ pad, and also have never noticed any noise (using the stock pad shims.)

      My real recommendation is to not be lazy – change the pads at the track. Most of the real Track Whores do!

      The Bobcat is a superior pad. Dusts less, fades less, and is just as quiet as stock or Ultimates. Myself and another wagoner have done lots of comparing (he has Bobcats, I have Ultimates). On the road, both work great but his dust less, and on track mine seem to fade more quickly and transfer a ton of material to the rotor when they overheat. The Bobcat had no such problems, though they did of course fade under track use. They are NOT a track pad though, so that was expected.

      Either carbotech bobcats or the ultimates.

      Bobcats – slightly less initial bite then ultimates (but still MUCH better then stock), but better pedal feel after that and better modulation , less dust, more $$

      Ultimates – slightly higher initial bite, but worse feel and modulation after that, more dust, less $$

      Pick between those two. I picked and recommend the carbotechs. Pretty much everyone who has ridden in my car on them has bought them.


      Prisexempel Carbotech Bobcat fram till Impreza 99-01 (4-kolvsok): 1790:-

      Mer info om produkterna på eller kontakta oss på tel: 0370-76650 alt

      Bästa hälsningar

      Per Stacke
      PEAN Sweden AB

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